Real-time Wave Digital Filter Framework
This is the complete list of members for wdfUnterminatedSwitch, including all inherited members.
calculateDownB(vec *ascendingWaves, vec *descendingWaves, size_t *portIndex) | wdfUnterminatedSwitch | virtual |
getNumPorts() | wdfRootNode | |
getType() const | wdfUnterminatedSwitch | virtual |
numPorts | wdfRootNode | protected |
Rp | wdfRootNode | protected |
setPortResistance(double Rp) | wdfRootNode | virtual |
setSwitch(int position) | wdfUnterminatedSwitch | |
wdfRootNode(int numPorts) | wdfRootNode | |
wdfUnterminatedSwitch(int position) | wdfUnterminatedSwitch | |
~wdfRootNode() | wdfRootNode | virtual |